Katie Nafzger

Content Curation Specialist

Katie Nafzger is Content Curation Specialist of Soaring Education Services. She’s passionate about making learning “fun” and has years of education experience.

Katie Nafzger

Katie Nafzger is an educator trained for the middle and high school classroom. She spent five years teaching 6th-8th grade science, history, and German at Lutheran schools in Colorado and Missouri. In the classroom she sought to make learning more "fun" by engaging students through simulations, educational games, and project-based learning.

In addition to traditional classroom settings, she also has experience in a variety of unique educational contexts. Katie worked at the Frankfurt International School with the International Baccalaureate program; she taught a geography course for a home school cooperative in Minnesota; and she spent three years homeschooling three of her children, one at a time. Along the way, she learned first-hand the challenges and the opportunities that come with personalized education.

Most recently, Katie became a student again and completed a master's degree in curriculum and STEAM education—a good fit for a teacher bent on employing innovative techniques in the classroom. She currently brings together her passion for learning, her love for people, and her commitment to faith development in her role as the Women's Coordinator at Concordia Seminary in Saint Louis. In this role, she coordinates curriculum for student wives and families preparing for full-time ministry.

Katie and her husband Peter have four children, Olivia, Johann, August, and Louisa. They are members of Messiah Lutheran Church in Saint Louis, Missouri.


Ask us anything!

How much do your services cost?

Our services start as low as $350 for a coaching session. We are committed to ensuring our services are affordable and accessible for as many people as possible.

How do you deliver your services?

Our services are primarily delivered virtually. We use a coaching model, assigning an expert coach to each of our partners. Meeting virtually creates great flexibility while also keeping costs low.

How do we know which services will be most helpful?

Our experts will offer customized recommendations based on your unique context needs.

Do you work with groups not interested in Christian education?

Our focus now is on working with those interested in advancing Christian education.

Still have questions?

We Have an Easy Process To Help You Get Your Christian School Created

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Discovery Call

Connect with the Soaring Education Services team on a free discovery call where they’ll help you explore your goals and identify the community you’d like to serve.

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Custom Strategy

The Soaring Education Services team will craft a custom strategy to help meet your goals.

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Design and Build Your School

The Soaring Education Services team brings the process, structure, and expertise needed to design and build your Christian school.

Contact Us Today To Learn More About Starting Your Own Christian School