News & Blog

Stay in touch with our latest insights into creating Christian schools of excellence.

Dalena Wallace - Welcome to Soaring Education Services

Dalena Wallace - Welcome to Soaring Education Services

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Soaring Education Services Welcomes Dalena Wallace to the team.
Dalena Wallace Joins Soaring Education as Soaring Ready Manager

Dalena Wallace Joins Soaring Education as Soaring Ready Manager

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Dalena Wallace Joins Soaring Education Services as Soaring Ready Manager
Christian Microschools are on the Rise

Christian Microschools are on the Rise

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From 2016 to 2023 alone, we’ve seen over twenty new school choice programs launch across the U.S.
Successful Microschool Models

Successful Microschool Models

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Last month we queried, “What is a microschool anyway?” This month we’re excited to share how some of our partners answer that question.
"So, what is a microschool, anyway?"

"So, what is a microschool, anyway?"

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Learn more about microschools with Soarings Education Services.
Soaring Education Services 2023 Round-Up!

Soaring Education Services 2023 Round-Up!

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As the year comes to a close, Soaring Education Services wants to recap our highlights from 2023.
Soaring Launches Free Webinar Series on How to Start a Christian Microschool

Soaring Launches Free Webinar Series on How to Start a Christian Microschool

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Soaring Education Services launches a free webinar series on how to start a Christian microschool.
Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Classroom

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Options and opinions. That’s what you encounter when you consider implementing technology in the classroom.

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