Three Tips for Starting a Microschool

Danielle Van Vlack
Danielle Van Vlack
May 2, 2023
min read
Christian Schooling

Whether you want to start a microschool because you see the need for value-based or faith-based education, you’re dissatisfied with your local schools. Where do you begin? What is it going to cost? Is a microschool the right solution? 

At Soaring Education Services, it’s our job to ensure you know precisely the steps to start a microschool. Soaring’s support sets you up for success, creating a model that can have a lasting impact on the community you hope to serve. 

While you might have more questions than answers, our expert coaching can help you find the path forward. 

Tip one: Take it one step at a time

The path to starting a microschool isn’t straight - it’s a winding journey with obstacles. Every microschool looks different, so where do you begin?  What is the next step you should take? At Soaring, we coach you through each step and create a roadmap for success. Sometimes, a feasibility study is the first step, while other times, creating a board or committee might be more natural and provide the guidance and support needed to move forward.

At Soaring Education Services, we have created a structure and a process that promotes thoughtful and prayerful decision-making and reflection. Our expert coaches know it is often tempting to attempt to address all parts of a school launch process at once. However, we also know that you can’t tackle every step simultaneously. Instead, prioritize the items that must be addressed, and don’t get ahead of yourself.

Tip two: Coaching is a must

At Soaring Education, we don’t just offer a mentoring program, designate a consultant, or simply provide you with a course to complete. Instead, we connect you with an experienced coach with expertise in helping churches and independent operators launch new microschools. This coach enables you to work through decisions and answer questions you may not even know you have. The Soaring coaching model includes a combination of project management, expertise, and encouragement. A coach should not do the work for you but provide ongoing and consistent support at every juncture to help you move past the natural points of friction or challenge. 

Think of a coach as someone who illuminates the path before you. Most people miss important steps when starting a microschool independently, but a coach ensures no stones are left unturned. They also provide access to a community of vendors and resources and connect you with people who have done it all before.

Tip three: Reflect on those you want to serve

The most essential step in starting your own microschool is understanding your community. Maybe it's the people in your church or those in your homeschool network. Whoever they are, it’s important to think and pray about those you wish to serve. This happens long before you decide on teachers, curriculum, and location. Establishing a heart, value, and understanding for those you hope to serve is critical for any business, but especially important if you want to help families in a school environment. If you don’t have a heart for or understand those who wish to serve, you might create a school that misses your audience.

Summary: It’s a journey, not a destination

Starting your own microschool takes time and reflection. The outcome is important, but your microschool won’t have the impact you want without proper guidance and systematic decision-making. Perhaps most importantly, it is essential to ensure that you are bathing the entire process in prayer and following God’s lead each step of the way.